Heel Pain, Weight & Plantar Fasciitis: Explained

Struggling with chronic heel pain. Is your weight making it worse, is it discouraging to exercise. However, not exercising can contribute to further weight gain, creating a vicious cycle.

Heel Pain | How Plantar Fasciitis Can Stop You From Dancing

In this blog post, we will explore the underlying causes of these conditions, for which ballroom and Latin dances can be problematic.

Heel Pain | Don't Let Plantar Fasciitis Slow You Down On The Golf Course

In this blog post, we will explore how plantar fasciitis and heel pain can slow you down on the golf course and suggest some tips and tricks to help alleviate your pain.

Heel Pain | Recovery and Rehab following PRP Injection Therapy

In this blog post, we delve into what patients should expect during the recovery process, including prescribed physiotherapy regimens.

Heel Pain | How PRP Injection Therapy Can Relieve Your Pain

In this blog post, we will explore how PRP injections can help treat heel pain and plantar fasciitis, what the treatment process entails, and what to expect from a three-treatment course.

Heel Pain | Understanding Plantar Fasciitis: Symptoms and Diagnosis

In this post, we’ll discuss the symptoms and diagnosis of plantar fasciitis to help you understand this condition better and find relief.